Four Boise Taft Elementary 4th graders helped distribute Rotary dictionaries to third graders on Tuesday, Nov. 27 at their school.  The students are mentees of four members of the Rotary Club of Boise Sunrise who meet with them each week to help with homework and, at times, play kickball and tag on the playground.  (Note:  Fourth graders are faster than any Rotarians pictured here.) 

The RC of Boise Sunrise proudly joins the other clubs in District 5400 to provide dictionaries to third graders and teach them the Four Way Test.  Thanks to Past District Governor Gene Day for introducing the Dictionary Project several years ago. There are a number of Rotary Clubs throughout the District who participate in the Dictionary Program.http://www.dictionaryproject.orgImage

 (The adults from left to right:  Patti Richey, Bill Cran, Terry Gilbert, Counselor Dave Sica, Dick Van Den Akker and Mike Peck.  Mentees are holding the dictionaries.)


Submitted by Terry Gilbert