Posted by Rich Kirkham

INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY.  Every year in January, Rotary International calls a special assembly in San Diego.  The event is called International Assembly. All District Governor Elects in the World are required to attend.  The purpose of the Assembly is to train DGEs in their duties and to meet with RI leaders. One of the exciting opportunities that International Assembly provides is the chance to meet and partner with other districts from around the world to accomplish good internationally.

WHAT IS YOUR PASSION?  If you or your club has a interest in working on a specific type of project or you want to help in a specific part of the world, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY!  Please reach out and contact me so I can be on the lookout for projects for you or your club while I am in San Diego! For example, if you are passionate about the Philippines, I will seek out DGEs from there and see what projects they are working on.   If you are excited about helping with microfinance projects but don’t particularly care where, then I will seek out Districts who are looking for partners to help in the microfinance area.


CONTACT ME.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me and share your ideas and passions about how or where we can partner with other Rotarians from around the world to do good in the world.  This is YOUR chance to Be The Inspiration!  Rich Kirkham, DGE, 208-251-6570