Plant Rich Diet Challenge 2024

For the 2023 Plant Rich Diet Challenge participants, how have you been doing on your Plant-Rich journey since then? Did it impact your life? We would love to hear your testimonials, either by email or short video, to help us celebrate you and inspire others!

As for me, when I had my full annual labs done last fall, my doctor called me and said, “How does it feel to be perfect?” I’m 70 and have never felt better or stronger in my life!

We are repeating the challenge again this year, starting on Earth Day, Monday, April 22nd. (So far, over 1,000 people have participated!) If you would like to repeat the challenge (because we acknowledge how much information there is to absorb) or know of someone who would like to take it, please follow the QR code on the attached flyer or click on this link to sign up!

Plant Rich Diet Challenge Registration Form ( 

We encourage you to share this information with your Rotary Clubs, districts, and even friends and family. Might we suggest a kick-off event?  

For example, for those of you who live in the USVI, this is a special invitation to attend our annual plant-based potluck, to be held in our Rotary East Eco space in Red Hook, St Thomas, on April 24th. We will also be showing a related movie. The cost for the event is a $10 donation for food and $5 for a glass of wine. Please RSVP for the dinner by April 19 to Many other clubs also host Earth Day events and use them to promote the challenge. Let us know if you do – your work inspires ours!

As a brief motivational reminder, each day, a person who eats a plant-based diet saves:

  • 1100 gallons of water
  • 45 pounds of grain
  • 30 Square feet of forested land
  • 20 pounds of CO2 equivalent
  • 1 animal’s life

Looking forward to seeing you again this year!

Yours in personal and planetary health,Katherine Shegrud
