Giving Dictionaries to Third Grade Students Brings Smiles

Why are these Boise Sunrise Rotarians smiling? They have just delivered dictionaries (gazetteers!) to third graders at Boise’s Roosevelt elementary school. They have shamelessly advocated for readers and reading and dropped off a gift to enable these students to develop an ever-expanding vocabulary. What could be better?

This is Service Above Self and effective mentoring in one hit-and-run visit with personalized books to leave with every third grade student. These youngsters tend to pay relatively close attention when Rotarians arrive and speak to them for about 30 minutes. We choose our words carefully. Boise Sunrise currently supports 12 different elementary schools in this project. We remain convinced that this clearly leaves it better than we found it.

Service and fellowship make for an effective combination, enabling all of us to be our best selves. Boise Sunrise is offering members projects that tangibly improve our health and our quality of life. No wonder these individuals are grinning, eh?
