How Rotary’s 4 Way Test is an Environmental Framework

The Four-Way Test can be a powerful framework for guiding our sustainability and stewardship actions and decisions. First, asking “Is it the truth?” encourages scientific accuracy about climate change. The question “Is it fair to all concerned?” highlights the importance of considering the needs and rights of all stakeholders, including marginalized communities and future generations.

This is known as environmental justice. Furthermore, “Will it build goodwill and better friendships?” emphasizes fostering collaboration among communities, businesses, and governments (farmer’s markets are a good example of this) and forming global partnerships, like the Mandela Washington Project. Lastly, “Will it be beneficial to all concerned?” ensures that actions promote long-term environmental sustainability, and shared prosperity for future generations. By applying the Four-Way Test, Rotary members can align their service initiatives to create stronger, more sustainable communities.
