November is Rotary Foundation month.
There are 40 Rotary clubs within District 5400, the district is within Zone 27 which is paired with Zone 26 to create the Big West Zones, Zone 26/27. There are 30 districts within Zones 26/27. Each paired Zones have a director who sits on the board of directors for Rotary International. We have been challenged by our Zone Director, Dam Himelspach, to sign up 500 new Paul Harris Society (PHS) Members in our Zones 26/27.
If we do the math, we need to sign up 17 new PHS members before December 31, 2024. PHS members have pledged to donate $1,000 per year to The Rotary Foundation. If you donate $85 per month to the Foundation you qualify to be a PHS member. That amount or higher can be donated to the Annual Share fund which helps with our District Grants. Your donations to Polio Plus are also counted.
Included below are attachments which explain the Paul Harris Society, the challenge, and the form to use to sign up for the PHS.
DG Steve Gage
Paul Harris Society Challenge Flyer (PDF)
Paul-Harris-Society-FAQs Flyer (PDF)
Paul Harris Society Promotional Handout (PDF)