Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE)

Are you interested in studying high school abroad? 

Students interested in going on exchange now have access to our club applications! Apply directly via this link. We select our Rotary District outbound class between September and December each year. Read on for more details.

Or… maybe you’d like to spend a summer abroad?
If you’re interested in Short Term Exchange, which we often call “family to family” exchange, use this link to let us know your interest. Short term exchange involves pairing up two students from two different countries; they spend the summer vacation traveling together from one family in Idaho to the other family (in another country). We’d be happy to explain more about how this works.

Are you interested in hosting a foreign exchange student?
We are looking for host families (they don’t have to be Rotarians) willing to host a foreign exchange student for 3-4 months out of the school year. Host families are responsible for making these students a part of their families and sharing our values and culture. Rotary provides training and resources.

For more information, keep reading, or visit our District Rotary Youth Exchange website.

What is Rotary Youth Exchange?
As a Rotary Youth Exchange student, you will spend a year, or perhaps just an extended period of time, living with a host family in a country other than your own. You may learn a new language; you will learn a new way of living and a great deal about yourself. But there’s more. While you are busy learning, the people you meet will be learning as well — about your country, culture, and ideas. You will be an ambassador. You will be helping to bring the world closer together, and you’ll be making good friends in the process.

If you are ready for the challenge and the rewards of living in another land as an exchange student, then you are ready for the Rotary Youth Exchange.

How does it work?
Rotary Youth Exchange is a true one-to-one exchange. Rotary sends out an American student for every foreign student taken in exchange. The District 5400 Rotary youth exchange program is a long-term high school exchange program which lasts for an academic year. During your stay, you will attend high school and live with one or more host families — in some cases as many as three different families.

When to Apply
For long-term exchanges, selection takes place in the fall prior to the year you will make your exchange. If you wish to travel abroad during your junior year, for example, you will apply in September of your sophomore year. If you are wondering why it is necessary to apply so early, once you are selected, your sponsoring Rotary club and district will work to prepare you for your year away. You will be guided through a series of orientation sessions so you’ll be ready for your new life in a new country.

How to Apply & Selection
If you are interested in becoming a Rotary Youth Exchange student, please contact your local Rotary club. Once you have contacted a club, you will then be directed to the Rotary Youth Exchange Officer chairperson in your area to get a preliminary application form. Or you can go online and apply directly via this link:

Club Interviews
Once you fill out your preliminary application in September or October, members of a local Rotary club will evaluate it and set up local interviews in late September. If approved by the local club, you will be invited to fill out a more detailed application. Candidates approved at the local level will be invited to a second interview at the district level.

District Interviews
Once approved at the local club level, the District Youth Exchange Committee will interview all recommended applicants and their parents at the district selection event, usually held in mid-December. The District Committee may, for reasons which it considers valid or on the basis of assessment of a student at the outbound orientation, disapprove that student’s application or suggest that student apply in a future year. You will be contacted by the District 5400 Chair or Outbound Chair with details concerning the steps leading up to this event.

Prior to the District interview you must fill out and submit the long-term exchange application, which will be forwarded to you when you are invited to participate in district selection event. Part of this application includes a medical examination and dental examination, so it would be smart to schedule these as soon as possible after receiving that invitation.


The US Department of State toll free number (1-866-283-9090) .  This toll free number can be used by host families, exchange students, and the public to report circumstances impacting the students’ health, safety, and well-being during their exchange. 

To report problems, the State Department can also be emailed at:

Preliminary Outbound Application

Application Link

Mike Markley

District Chair
Boise-Southwest Club

Lauren Murdoch

Incoming District Chair
Blackfoot Club

Tom Rosenthal

Short-term Chair
Boise Sunrise Club

Beth Markley

Outbound Chair
Boise Club

Laura Spencer

Inbound Chair
Boise Centennial Club

Anita Swainston

Inbound Area Coordinator
Preston Club

Nancy Chinn

Youth Exchange Administrator
Boise Club