Join our 1 day, family friendly, and fun filled District 5400 Celebration!.
May 3, 2025 @ Harmon Park in Twin Falls ID 83301
Check-in and Refreshments – 9AM
Official Welcome and Opening Remarks- 10AM
Circles of Excellence* and Kids Activities – 10:30 – 12
Lunch & Program – 12
Service Projects** – 1:15 – 3PM
Ice Cream Social – 3PM
Closing Remarks & Adjournment 3:45 – 4PM
Bring the Whole Family and Invite Your Neighbors
We will have opportunities to engage in service projects in the afternoon.
Adults 18 and over are $35
Kids 6 – 18 are $25
Kids 5 and younger are free
*The Circles of Excellence will be a chance for clubs to showcase service projects
they are doing to create lasting positive changes in their communities. Clubs can
encourage other clubs to take the projects to their own communities. There will
also be opportunities to interact with our Rotary Youth Exchange students,
Interactors and RYLA campers.
** The afternoon service projects will have opportunities for kids to help. One or
two may be away from the park. This depends on space at the park.
Download the PDF flyer HERE
Register using the QR or go to https://tinyurl.com/5400Celebration