Visit India For An Experience Of A Lifetime

DG Nancy Barbee from District 7700 in North Carolina is leading a group of 25 on a nine-day trip to India from January 29-February 9, 2024.

This will be an opportunity to experience polio eradication up close and see the marvelous infrastructure India has established to reach all corners of its enormous population. There will be several opportunities to vaccinate children during this trip. Additionally, the group will visit Rotary projects, visit the official offices of WHO and UNICEF, and visit Dr. Matthew Varghese. There will be sightseeing in Delhi, Agra, and Kolkatta (formerly Calcutta). The group will enjoy home visits in Dhanbad, 150 km west of Kolkatta.

Hotel accommodations are double occupancy. The price is $2850 per person, and the single supplement is $1250. Other expenses, such as airfare, visas, travel immunizations, tips, etc., are extra. Time is short, as I just learned of the trip. For more detailed information, such as the itinerary, supplemental expenses, and terms and conditions, contact Norb Murray at

If you are definitely interested, contact Nancy directly at . This is truly an opportunity for an experience of a lifetime!
