Boise Sunrise Rotary started Everyday Leadership (E/L) 13 years ago and it is now a thriving program at 8 Boise elementary schools. With the help of the Boise School District and the YMCA, this program teaches leadership skills to youth who are attending low-income schools in grades 5 & 6. Impressive and widespread results have been observed in terms of improved grades, more consistent attendance, and simply growing leaders in these Title One schools.
However, some of the most compelling stories from E/L are related to the individual alumni and what happens after they move on to middle school and high school. The NBC affiliate in Boise (KTVB – Channel 7) recently featured one of those alums who participated in organizing a mental health fair at Capital HS. Lauryn Reed participated in E/L at Koelsch Elementary. The students running the fair said they wanted to ensure the community was aware of the mental health resources available to children, teenagers, and adults.
All of us wish to effectively support the physical and mental health of the youth in our hometowns; especially after the pandemic upended so many young lives. Seeing how this impressive “everyday leader” addressed that challenge is a story that we believe will fill your heart and deliver optimism about the students in the Treasure Valley. This story also highlights the impact of a well-targeted mentoring and leadership development program that the Boise School District, the Treasure Valley YMCA, and the Rotary Club of Boise Sunrise started. In a nod to others recognizing this mentoring program’s effectiveness, new E/L programs are also growing in the Caldwell and West Ada school districts. More new leaders are being trained as we speak.
Bravo to Lauryn and to the impressive results from empowering everyday leaders in our schools. She is leaving it better than she found it and we can’t wait to see what is next for this young leader!