District News

District Governor Message–May is Mental Health Awareness Month

According to NAMI, since its inception in 1949, Mental Health Awareness Month has been a cornerstone of addressing the challenges faced[…]

Treasure Valley Rotary Clubs Are on the International Water Minga map

On Saturday, April 20th, multiple generations of Rotarians, Interactors, and friends of the Rotary Clubs of the Treasure Valley joined forces[…]

Apply for Your Rotary Foundation Grant

It’s time to start for a Rotary Foundation district grant for 2024-25. The deadline for completed and signed applications is June 1,[…]

Why Should I Care..

about the District match? What’s the big deal about the $100 match that brings me closer to my Paul Harris Fellow?[…]

ESAT Collecting Electronic Recyclables at District Conference

ESAT will collect rechargeable batteries for recycling! The largest source of lithium is in our junk drawers! Make a difference by[…]

D5400 Youth Exchange Program Received a SILVER Award From the North American Youth Exchange Network (NAYEN)

Thank you to everyone in our district and club volunteers who work very hard on this program, which has a great[…]

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Applications are now Open!

We encourage you to have any aspiring young leaders (grades 9-12) apply for RYLA this year. This year RYLA will take[…]

District Conference Silent Auction

Calling all clubs! You are once again invited to donate an item for a silent auction at our annual District Conference. Last[…]

Rotary Supports Mothers and Babies

In the intricate tapestry of societal well-being, few threads are as crucial as maternal and child health. It’s not merely a[…]

Plant Rich Diet Challenge 2024

For the 2023 Plant Rich Diet Challenge participants, how have you been doing on your Plant-Rich journey since then? Did it[…]

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