According to NAMI, since its inception in 1949, Mental Health Awareness Month has been a cornerstone of addressing the challenges faced[…]
On Saturday, April 20th, multiple generations of Rotarians, Interactors, and friends of the Rotary Clubs of the Treasure Valley joined forces[…]
It’s time to start for a Rotary Foundation district grant for 2024-25. The deadline for completed and signed applications is June 1,[…]
about the District match? What’s the big deal about the $100 match that brings me closer to my Paul Harris Fellow?[…]
ESAT will collect rechargeable batteries for recycling! The largest source of lithium is in our junk drawers! Make a difference by[…]
Thank you to everyone in our district and club volunteers who work very hard on this program, which has a great[…]
We encourage you to have any aspiring young leaders (grades 9-12) apply for RYLA this year. This year RYLA will take[…]
Calling all clubs! You are once again invited to donate an item for a silent auction at our annual District Conference. Last[…]
In the intricate tapestry of societal well-being, few threads are as crucial as maternal and child health. It’s not merely a[…]
For the 2023 Plant Rich Diet Challenge participants, how have you been doing on your Plant-Rich journey since then? Did it[…]