Choosing Your Club’s Next International Project

Is your club looking for options on participating with other Rotary clubs on international projects? Rotary International has a terrific way for you to add this type of service to your club’s active projects list. That starts with a visit to the Rotary Grants website at

What you will find here is a large list of partially funded global grants. This can be viewed as a terrific Service Above Self menu! A club can choose a location or a category of service and then filter through these projects-in-waiting.

As an example, Boise Sunrise has various projects underway in Mozambique in support of the communities around Gorongosa National Park. We are partnering with a club in Minnesota to support these projects and these grants. This is an outstanding way to meet other Rotarians and to pool resources to get a project in a position to qualify for one of RI’s Global Grants. It is almost a strategy in itself for your club’s International Service committee.
