What a terrific team represented District 5400 at the recent NW President Elect Learning Seminar (PELS) in Seattle, Feb 21-23, 2025. This event is held each winter for our President Elects and is a Rotary International required training. We will meet with those who couldn’t attend during the next couple of months to bring them up to speed so all are ready on July 1, 2025 to launch the new Rotary year!
Club President Elects are listed in alphabetical (last name) order:
- Liz Alexander – Nampa
- Steve Banick – Boise Sunrise
- Melinda Barboza -Rupert
- Heidi Bogart – Boise East
- Stephen Boorman – Idaho Falls
- Dan Brizee – Blue Lakes-Twin Falls
- Jay Butters – Preston
- Ted Clemens – Emmett
- Troy Eppich – Blackfoot
- Morgan Giles – Rigby
- Maegan Hanson – Buhl
- Garry Heath – Eagle-Garden City
- Jenny Hemly – Boise
- Kent Higgins – Pocatello
- Becky Hughes – Elmore County/Mountain Home
- David Kapp – Burley
- Chelsea Miller – Boise Centennial
- Norb Murray – Boise Southwest
- Torie Ramirez – Western Treasure Valley
- Ken Reglin – Meridian
- Cornelia Sprung – Boise Metro
- Kent Virtue – Baker City
- Mark Westman – Ketchum-Sun Valley
Also attending were:
- Assistant Governors: Lisa Bearg, John Buck, Stephanie Curtis, Todd Fischer, Rob Pearson, Jana Rodgers and Phil Sanchez
- Learning Leaders (Instructors): Scott Learned and Rob Pearson
- DG Line: Karl Klokke, DGND; Mike Markley, DGN; Kathy Buck, DGE
- Past District Governor: Janice Fulkerson, a member of the Operating Committee who develops the curriculum, etc. Janice was in charge of volunteers and logistics.
In addition to training classes, we were all treated to hearing our International Rotary resident Elect, Mario Cesar Martins de Camargo (from Brazil), as well as several other top-notch speakers. I encourage each of you to follow the happenings at Rotary International by logging onto the RI website.
Questions? Don’t hesitate to ask!
Kathy Buck, DGE, rotarykbuck@gmail.com