Rigby Rotary Club along with Rotary International is celebrating 120 years of Service

The Rigby Rotary Club joins with Rotary to International to celebrate 120 years of service for local communities. Pictured above are Rigby Club Officers: Dan Hope, Morgan Giles, Justin Tawzer, Phil Sanchez, Shaney Swanson, and Club President Benjamin Davis.Photo Courtesy of Rigby Rotary Club

The local Rigby Rotary Club is joining Rotary International in celebrating 120 years of service during the month of February.

The Rigby Rotary club gives thousands of dollars each year in scholarships and grants for leadership training and to attend university/technical school following graduation. In 2024 Rotary club purchased dozens of books for the Rigby Middle School library. They also sponsored a golf tournament where all proceeds when to the Jefferson County Sheriff department to procure AEDs for officer vehicles so first responders can revive heart attack victims when they arrive on a scene. The Rotary club donates hundreds of hours each year at the local food pantry. The club also sponsors a service club at the high school, Interact, which donates hundreds of hours of service to the school and community and each year and has donated hundreds of blankets to programs internationally.

Over time, that club has grown to over 45,000 clubs worldwide with over 1.2 million members who volunteer time and money improve local, regional and international service projects. Rotary International (RI), the Rotary Foundation, distributes over US$200 million annually to provide clean water and sanitation, education, treat disease, improve childhood health, grow local economies, promote peace and protect the environment. In the last nearly 40 years, alongside Global Polio Eradication Initiative, Rotary International has achieved a 99.9% reduction rate in polio cases with a goal to completely eradicate polio from off the face of the earth.

Article courtesy Jefferson STAR March 3, 2025
