Club and District Projects

NAMIWalks Twin Falls – May 3, 2025

If you plan to attend the Rotary District 5400 Celebration on May 3, please consider starting your Saturday with NAMIWalks Twin[…]

10th Annual United Way Of Treasure Valley Children’s Book Drive

United Way is collecting very-gently used and new children’s books for kids in Idaho, ages 0-18, March 1-28. This annual event will provide[…]

Capital High School Students Organize Free Mental Health Fair

Boise Sunrise Rotary started Everyday Leadership (E/L) 13 years ago and it is now a thriving program at 8 Boise elementary[…]

Giving Dictionaries to Third Grade Students Brings Smiles

Why are these Boise Sunrise Rotarians smiling? They have just delivered dictionaries (gazetteers!) to third graders at Boise’s Roosevelt elementary school. They[…]

Revitalizing Crane Creek: Pocatello’s Community Nature Park

Crane Creek, a tributary to the Portneuf River, features a 5-acre park managed by Idaho Fish and Game and enhanced by[…]


Join us for a safe, fun, and inspiring journey to central Mexico, where you’ll contribute through volunteer service and enjoy meaningful[…]

Shark Pond Creator Ben Davidson Earns Prestigious Rotary International Award

Pocatello, Idaho – January 14, 2025 Ben Davidson, founder and CEO of Entrepreneurs Against Poverty (Entrapov), will be recognized for his[…]

New books for every student at Hawthorne Elementary from Boise Sunrise

One of the club’s favorite projects each year is book delivery to every student at a chosen Title One elementary school[…]

Caring Hearts & Boise Sunrise Collaborate to Benefit Students in Kenya

The Caring Hearts schools in rural Kenya were founded in 2010 by Dr. Vincent Kituku, a resident of Eagle, Idaho since[…]

Rake Up Boise 2024 – Boise Sunrise Rotary Style

To rake or not to rake. The weather was the critical element. Rain was predicted on the morning of November 23rd 2024[…]